I will be leading a roller-ski group on Sundays 10-12am, starting Sunday 5th, at Kensington Metropark, aimed at anyone who wants to improve their skiing, from near-beginner to near-expert. We will work on agility, confidence and technique.,
The current proliferation of interval-heavy training plans seems to have originated with research and subsequent training recommendations by Jan Helgerud. In my opinion, there is a major flaw in this approach.,
Proper fueling of the body prior to, during, and after exercise requires personal experimentation to find the ideal fit for you, the individual athlete. there are some basic guidelines that will enable you to eliminate much of the guesswork.,
CXC Skiing is pleased to announce a free clinic to all level skiers (juniors, masters, seniors, citizens) which will be conducted by the whole CXC Team.,
Life's been busy and not always optimized for cross country ski training. But life rarely is. So you make the best of it., ,
Here are some results from the testing. Look them over carefully to see in what ways improvements were made and in what ways we failed to improve, or maintain improvement.,
With the recent Midwestern snowfall, an especially enthusiastic group of over 30 skiers braved freezing temperatures and biting wind at the most recent Get Your Nordic On! clinic in Wausau, Wisconsin.,
The USST October testing camp is almost over. The camp began on the 7th and is officially over on the 17th. The primary goal of the camp was seeing how well we have done in our preparation for winter. (And why does NMU come up with so many fast skiers?),
Gain an inch or two every time you stride by leading with your hip. You can practice this year around on foot, rollerskis, and snow skis.,
The team endured an intense week of testing. Despite the hard work we have been enjoying the amazing weather and color that we have had here in Vermont the past few weeks.,
The Sitzmark Room at the Otsego Club is large and spacious, with huge windows facing down the alpine area and into a valley of colored leaves at their peak color. It's beautiful in the late afternoon sun.,
Assuming the skier is motivated to both win and more importantly motivated to prepare to win, what's excuses are available for not training enough?,
Cross Country SuperCamps (3 and 5 day camps from Nov 25 - Jan 12)
SilverStar Mountain Resort, Vernon, British Columbia, Canada
Team NordicSkiRacer rollerski or foot workout
Kensington Metropark or Maybury State Park
Team NordicSkiRacer rollerski or foot workout
Kensington Metropark or Maybury State Park
Team NordicSkiRacer rollerski or foot workout
Kensington Metropark or Maybury State Park