I need skiers to fill out my questionnaire to help be prepare for an on-snow research experiment at Forbush Corner.
PSIA has a clinic for everyone! It will equip you with the resources and knowledge to enhance your personal skiing and teaching skills.
The skier clinics and PSIA workshops have been moved to Forbush Corner to take advantage of Forbush's snowmaking.
Two Clinics: Jan 6 and 7 offer clinics to help skiers improve their technique. Jan 3, 6, and 7 are clinics for becoming a PSIA Level 1 instructor or to get CEU credits.
The 10 day forecast looks bad - less than an inch of snow is forecasted. The Committee is cancelling the Ski Festival Clinics and all races.
UPDATED! It's getting cold in the north woods, time to start your ski season training! Cross Country Ski Headquarters is hosting a Roller Ski Clinic with Jordyn Ross on Saturday, November 11th.
This clinic we'll meet at the Windfall parking lot in Kensington Metropark (Milford, Michigan) and roll along the less-used bike path which heads northeast of the majority of the park.
I'm having another ski clinic - with sections for both rollerskiers and non-rollerskiers - and a rollerski time trial. We'll meet at Kensington Metropark in Milford, Michigan.
There will be a special guest! Olympic coach and former World Cup biathlete from Serbia, Dejan Krsmanovic, will be join me in running the clinic this Saturday, June 10.
I'll be back in Michigan for the month of June and plan on holding a rollerski clinic right away at our usual spot at Kensington Metropark in the Martindale Beach Splash & Blast parking lot.
Taking lessons and watching videos can really help you grasp the complexity of the gliding with ease on snow crystals. 2 years ago, I spent the time to make these and published them, making them free for all to learn and improve from.
We are cancelling all together MNR this year. It will not be happening at Forbush due to decreased number/interest and snow conditions, etc.