Mon, Mar 24: Nubs Nob (Harbor Springs)
Nubs with over a foot of snow since Thursday. Upper loops powertilled and tracked again Monday AM. Mid-winter type conditions should continue through the weekend.
- ZJ
Mon, Mar 24: Forbush Corner (Frederic)
On my truck is a sticker that says”Forbush is grooming and I must go!” That was the truth today. Larry packed the loop 4 times that gave a great skate deck. I classic skied with my skins and was able to get great control and glide. Switching to skate skis I practiced Andy Liebners technique on the V-2 until it got too slow and I was too beat. 4 days in a row is a lot for me but it was too beautiful to resist. Thank you Forbush!!
- Linda Weeks Kaleita
Mon, Mar 24: Interlochen Golf Course (Interlochen)
I skied halfway around with decent glide, breaking 3-6” snow in my fishscales, then turned around but not much faster. My Swix vest & hood were soaked from the falling wet snow! It didn’t drop below freezing last night but forecast to drop into 20s tonight so will be faster tomorrow. May try Lost Lake in the morning. Another bonus ski in a winter wonderland!
- Sara Cockrell
Mon, Mar 24: Nubs Nob (Harbor Springs)
Nubs has fresh snow and a fresh groom this morning over a firm base .
- Stephen Biggs
Mon, Mar 24: Forbush Corner (Frederic)
Looks like 4" and counting. Larry is plowing the parking lot and will be grooming the snow making loop in the next hour or so. Please wait until 10:00. The shop is closed. If you are not a season pass holder, please put $10 in the black slot near the door of the ski shop - next to the map. Thanks for supporting Forbush Corner.
- Ginnis
Mon, Mar 24: Forbush Corner (Frederic)
Yesterday the trails groomed up beautifully. No rain the night before really helps. Working with a group on V-2 technique we skied on and off from 9-2 on the snowmaking loop. Now we received 5 inches of heavy snow. It is still snowing and Molokai like January. No clue if they will groom this in today
- Linda Weeks Kaleita
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