Huron Meadows Metropark in Brighton, MI will be opening the clubhouse for skiers 7 days a week. However, the park is in need of people who can work two 4-8 hour shifts for the remainder of the ski season.
Outside Magazine named six cross country ski destinations, including Michigan's own Cross Country Ski Headquarters, as "America's Nordic Skiing Meccas".
How about a ski tour on the groomed cross country ski trails of Huron Meadows Metropark, with a bonfire and snack stops along the way, and food at the end? Start skiing any time between 1:00pm and 3:00pm.
No snow anywhere in southern Michigan...except Huron Meadows Metropark. Why?
Bah Humbug! It was coal in the stockings of lower peninsula Michigan skiers, with little or no snow to take advantage of over the holiday season. And the days after Christmas are not encouraging: mostly rain, warm weather, and maybe a little lake effect i
9&10's Eric Lloyd and photojournalist Jeff Blevins sat down with one of the new trustees (Anne Wagar) and have more details about the changes and challenges at Forbush Corner.
"Vasa Skiers" provided an update to the original petition opened on back in April 2014, following the recent DNR meeting with skiers and bikers on November 20, 2014. This is the full text of the press release by &quoVasa Skiers".
Can you say "Lake Effect"? The large temperature difference between the Great Lakes and the air allows the air to rise quickly, generate lots of lake effect snow.
We have about 10 inches of snow on the ground in Frederic. I'm headed out to roll the East Trail System with the intent of grooming it again in the morning.
The US National Weather Service Gaylord Michigan says expect quite a bit of snowfall. Forbush Corner is considering open this weekend because of the forecast.
Valley Spur says there is close to 2 feet of snow. Bring your A skis!
The Noquemanon Trail Network (NTN) now has Nordic ski memberships available for sale at area outlets throughout Marquette County.
BARC Learn to Ski
Huron Meadows Metropark, 8765 Hammel Rd, Brighton, MI 48116
XC Ski HQ: Winter Fest Kick-Off
Cross Country Ski Headquarters, 9435 N Cut Rd, Roscommon, MI 48653. 800-832-2663, [email protected],
XC Ski HQ: Free Beginner Ski Lesson
Cross Country Ski Headquarters, 9435 N Cut Rd, Roscommon, MI 48653. 800-832-2663, [email protected],
XC Ski HQ: Free Beginner Ski Lesson
Cross Country Ski Headquarters, 9435 N Cut Rd, Roscommon, MI 48653. 800-832-2663, [email protected],
XC Ski HQ: Ribs and Blues 50th Anniversary Celebration!
Cross Country Ski Headquarters, 9435 N Cut Rd, Roscommon, MI 48653. 800-832-2663, [email protected],