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Cross Country Ski Technique

Andy's last rollerski clinic of summer, July 29
Andy's last rollerski clinic of summer, July 29

Andy's last rollerski clinic of summer, July 29

7/17/2023 - By Andy Liebner

This clinic we'll meet at the Windfall parking lot in Kensington Metropark (Milford, Michigan) and roll along the less-used bike path which heads northeast of the majority of the park.

Clinics for rollerskiers and non-rollerskiers, July 1-2
Clinics for rollerskiers and non-rollerskiers, July 1-2

Clinics for rollerskiers and non-rollerskiers, July 1-2

6/22/2023 - By Andy Liebner

I'm having another ski clinic - with sections for both rollerskiers and non-rollerskiers - and a rollerski time trial. We'll meet at Kensington Metropark in Milford, Michigan.

Andy Liebner and Dejan Krsmanovic host rollerski clinic and demos in Roscommon
Andy Liebner and Dejan Krsmanovic host rollerski clinic and demos in Roscommon

Andy Liebner and Dejan Krsmanovic host rollerski clinic and demos in Roscommon

6/7/2023 - By Andy Liebner

There will be a special guest! Olympic coach and former World Cup biathlete from Serbia, Dejan Krsmanovic, will be join me in running the clinic this Saturday, June 10.
Andy Liebner rollerski clinics, June 3 and 4
Andy Liebner rollerski clinics, June 3 and 4

Andy Liebner rollerski clinics, June 3 and 4

5/22/2023 - By Andy Liebner

I'll be back in Michigan for the month of June and plan on holding a rollerski clinic right away at our usual spot at Kensington Metropark in the Martindale Beach Splash & Blast parking lot.

Skate and Classic technique videos
Skate and Classic technique videos

Skate and Classic technique videos

1/6/2023 - By Andy Liebner

Taking lessons and watching videos can really help you grasp the complexity of the gliding with ease on snow crystals. 2 years ago, I spent the time to make these and published them, making them free for all to learn and improve from.

Rollerski Technique Clinics, May 21-22
Rollerski Technique Clinics, May 21-22

Rollerski Technique Clinics, May 21-22

4/23/2022 - By Andy Liebner

Ski Technique review check-up! (on roller skis) 2 days only. Individual and group sessions available. Plus a rollerski time trail!
Rollerski clinic in Indiana
Rollerski clinic in Indiana

Rollerski clinic in Indiana

9/21/2020 - By Jeremiah and Lizzie Osteen

As the months get closer to the next season, it is more and more important that we take the time to go over technique and get comfortable on the roller skis before transitioning to the snow.

VIDEO: Improve your Alternate V2 (aka Two Skate)!
VIDEO: Improve your Alternate V2 (aka Two Skate)!

VIDEO: Improve your Alternate V2 (aka Two Skate)!

12/27/2019 - By Andy Liebner

UPDATED! NEW VIDEO! Andy Liebner gives tips to improve your V2 (or two skates for every pole plant).

VIDEO: Improve your V2 (aka One Skate)!
VIDEO: Improve your V2 (aka One Skate)!

VIDEO: Improve your V2 (aka One Skate)!

12/27/2019 - By Andy Liebner

UPDATED! NEW VIDEO! Andy Liebner gives tips to improve your V2 (or one skate for every pole plant)
Mid-Summer Doublepole Technique Check
Mid-Summer Doublepole Technique Check

Mid-Summer Doublepole Technique Check

6/24/2016 - By Judy Geer

No snow around this time of year—just pavement and the various poling machines. But that doesn’t mean you can’t be working on your technique. And with the growing prevalence and importance of double-poling, this seems like a good area to focus on.

Basic herringbone
Basic herringbone

Basic herringbone

12/15/2015 - By Mike Muha

The herringbone is used when the terrain is too steep to diagonal stride. There are five basic elements to the herringbone.

Key points to strong cornering
Key points to strong cornering

Key points to strong cornering

12/8/2015 - By Mike Muha

Four tips for getting around a corner fast! And a couple drills you can do to learn how to ski corners better...

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Nothing in the calendar for the next two weeks.

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