This will be the final roller ski clinic that I'll be hosting this summer. It looks like I'll be heading back to Alaska to teach another year there.
This clinic we'll meet at the Windfall parking lot in Kensington Metropark (Milford, Michigan) and roll along the less-used bike path which heads northeast of the majority of the park. The Windfall lot is easiest to access from the Milford Road entrance into the park. (The Milford Road entrance is across the street from Bakers and next to the Dairy Queen on Milford Road. There's a stop light at the entrance).
Similar to the last clinic's we'll work on transitions, timing, and technique...the three T's.
Hope everyone is enjoying their summers and hope to see everyone there! Bring a friend!
Please let me know if you have any questions: [email protected].
IIf you have any roller ski equipment needs that I can provide please let me know. I should have the new inventory of the latest top-of-the-line roller skis with the flutter fork in by then. $300/ pair with bindings for skate. $340/pair with bindings for classic. Roller ski tips are $14/ pair.