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Cross Country Ski Waxing and Base Prep

Applying a Toko HF Blue/XCold Mix
Applying a Toko HF Blue/XCold Mix

Applying a Toko HF Blue/XCold Mix

12/21/2011 - By Ian Harvey

The video below demonstrates how to mix HF Blue and XCold Powder, a very common and successful combination.

Kick Waxing Tip from Marty Hall

12/6/2011 - By Marty Hall

Here is something I've just started doing with Toko Base Green. I did this twice last year with huge success - both for kick and glide.

Wax report from CXC Team

11/30/2011 - By Jason Cork

This year in Yellowstone, we brought a relatively small group (seven) of skiers and only one coach, so waxing had the potential to get hairy if conditions got completely sketchy.

Post Yellowstone SuperTour waxing report from BSF

11/29/2011 - By Bjørn Bakken

Finally back in the normal routine here in Bozeman. Here is a general recap of what we were finding in West Yellowstone last week.

Saturday SuperTour classic race
Saturday SuperTour classic race

Saturday SuperTour classic race

11/27/2011 - By Ian Harvey

At 7am, it was -17f. Yes, the remnants of the tropical storm were gone! Today was a delight. West Yellowstone was back to its wonderful normal self.

Unpredictable weather for SuperTour skate race
Unpredictable weather for SuperTour skate race

Unpredictable weather for SuperTour skate race

11/26/2011 - By Ian Harvey

The forecast for last night was predictably off. They had called for the temperatures to sink dramatically and for a bunch of snow to fall. It has been my experience that when the weather is warm and a front is supposed to come and kick it out...
Eastern snow in West  Yellowstone
Eastern snow in West  Yellowstone

Eastern snow in West Yellowstone

11/25/2011 - By Ian Harvey

esterday while it was snowing the snow was acting predictably "cold" despite the warm temperatures. Then after it stopped snowing, it got very wet and the warmer waxes were far better.

Now's The Time to Get your Skis Ready!
Now's The Time to Get your Skis Ready!

Now's The Time to Get your Skis Ready!

11/16/2011 - By Benjamin Lannin

Personally I prefer to spend some of the cold rainy in-between weather knocking out skis in the Wax Dungeon than when powder-sugar coated trees are shouting my name.

Using the Toko Structurite tool
Using the Toko Structurite tool

Using the Toko Structurite tool

11/15/2011 - By Ian Harvey

Ian Harvey demonstrates how to use the Toko Structurite tool to put an appropriate structure for conditions on on cross country skis.
Hot wax ironing technique for cross country skis
Hot wax ironing technique for cross country skis

Hot wax ironing technique for cross country skis

11/8/2011 - By Ian Harvey

Ian Harvey demonstrates proper ironing technique when hot waxing cross country skis

What's good for your car is good for your skis?
What's good for your car is good for your skis?

What's good for your car is good for your skis?

10/27/2011 - By Joe Gollinger

I enjoyed that Alternative Waxing article, and I have my own story to tell...

What do dish soap, Lemon Pledge, and Rain-X have in common?
What do dish soap, Lemon Pledge, and Rain-X have in common?

What do dish soap, Lemon Pledge, and Rain-X have in common?

10/25/2011 - By Mike Muha

Glenn Goodman and Robin Luce experimented with non-traditional "waxes" in the days leading up to the Nordic Fest Season Opener Race and made some interesting discoveries...

More Equipment News...


Fast Wax Nordic Wax Wizard

Fast Wax Nordic Wax Wizard

Fast Wax Nordic Wax Wizard

SOLDA Ski Wax Maestro

Toko Wax Coach

Toko Wax Coach

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