Last year I year I had an opportunity to test Fast Wax products because they wanted someone who competed at a level where fast skis were essential to getting better results. I knew of a few others skiers who used Fast Wax and was especially impressed with their cold conditions waxes. The other thing I liked about Fast Wax was their owner is a competitive cross country skier himself. A former chemist with 3M Dan Meyer became interested in developing a line of waxes that would out perform some of the international brands used by world cup skiers. Being very well networked in the industry Dan was able to get a lot of feedback from industry specialists that looked at wax development from a different perspective.
At first I was a little apprehensive so I waxed one pair of skis with the recommended Fast Wax of the day and the other with Toko, the latter being the one I used for the last several years. It was hard to tell at first which pair of skis was faster and I didn’t know if it was the wax or the skis. For the first couple of races I used the Toko waxed skis but as I was becoming more familiar with the fast wax products I soon switched to it exclusively. I also waxed Karen’s skis with the Fast Wax and she always commented on how fast her skis were.
At the Masters World Cup some of the top master skiers were on Fast Wax and had incredible results.
I am a big advocate of the Fast Wax products and just wanted other skiers to know that there is another alternative to the high price fluorinated waxes on the market. The best thing about Fast Wax is that you can have your skis waxed with their top of the line fluorinated waxes for the same price as the top line brands storage wax. It is a great value that cannot be ignored.