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Cross Country Ski Training News and Tips

West Yellowstone Report: Top 10 List

12/2/2004 10:22:00 AM - By Mike Muha

The top 10 most memorable moments at West Yellowstone Ski Festival...,

West Yellowstone Report: Great Skiing, Dining Hell

11/29/2004 3:47:00 PM - By Mike Muha

Thanksgiving’s waxing nightmare turned into Friday’s perfect day of skiing. Mid-20’s, sunny, no wind – it was hard not to jump and holler!,

West Yellowstone Report: Day 1 of the 5 Day Camp

11/24/2004 3:44:00 PM - By Mike Muha

It was a long drive up to the South Plateau. It’s only six miles, but with a convoy of vehicles, we only went as fast as the slowest one. Its snow and ice covered logging roads all the way. Several front wheel drive vehicles have to be pushed this day.,

West Yellowstone Report: There Really is Snow!

11/23/2004 9:00:00 AM - By Mike Muha

Take 5 NordicSkiRacer teammates, a bunch of Grand Rapids folks, John Aalberg and many other coaches, some snow, then shake (not stir). Go ski.,

A Week at the Yellowstone Ski Festival

10/27/2004 8:35:00 PM

It’s late October in West Yellowstone, Montana and winter is right around the corner. It snowed all last week and there are still a few inches on the ground. If the weather stays cold, this could be the good base we need to have great skiing next month! If you haven’t made your plans to attend this fall’s Yellowstone Ski Festival, I have one question: what are you waiting for?

Building and Using a Roller Board

9/28/2004 - By Mike Muha

Building a roller board is easy. Here's plans to my board and a sample workout.,
The New Skate Technique
The New Skate Technique

The New Skate Technique

9/12/2004 - By flsyguk

The 'double pole' has become the basis of all the skating strokes. In the V2 and alternate V2 the skier should finish the double pole in the direction of the power-side gliding ski before stepping off onto the other ski., ,

Doublepole with Medicine Ball
Doublepole with Medicine Ball

Doublepole with Medicine Ball

8/1/2004 - By Mike Muha

Here's a medicine ball exercise we've adopted for our Team NordicSkiRacer Thursday night strength sessions that simulates doublepoling.,

Seated Medicine Ball Toss for Two
Seated Medicine Ball Toss for Two

Seated Medicine Ball Toss for Two

7/26/2004 - By Mike Muha

Here's a seated medicine ball toss (also called a seated oblique toss) for two people that can really work your core muscles.,

Not What it Seems!

7/24/2004 - By Dan Motowski

The 4th lap 11:40? Whoa! Panic time - was I sick, I don't feel that bad? I was really pushing that last lap, too??,

CXC/Birkie Big Summer Camp - August 2-5

6/25/2004 9:00:00 AM

The CXC/Birkie Big Summer Camp will be held August 2-5 at Telemark Resort, in Cable, WI. Costs are $260 Room and Board and Coaching all inclusive. Discounts for members of summer training groups and scholarships available on request.

Spots Open for Grand Rapids Aalberg Camp

6/15/2004 9:41:00 AM

The Grand Rapids Nordic Ski Team / John Aalberg Training Camp has a few openings available! The camp will meet at Pando Ski Area in Rockford (just north of Grand Rapids) on Saturday and Sunday, June 19-20.

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