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How to train for cross country ski racing

Sports Medley Training Sessions

7/30/2009 - By Justin Demers

Any racer has been in the situation where he wants or must go for a social ride, run, rollerski or hike - not optimal for training. There are two obvious solutions to this problem: decline or mix it up.

VO2 and all that jazz

7/27/2009 - By Edward McCarthy

You start out pretty easy. It gradually gets faster, then it starts to suck, and then it's over.

The importance of rest days during the transition months
The importance of rest days during the transition months

The importance of rest days during the transition months

7/15/2009 - By Lee Hawkings

Earlier this spring I discovered for the first time what will happen if you neglect to take rest days and continue to train hard.

"I got into it"

7/6/2009 - By Pete Vordenberg

Many times we are told to do the rational thing. And this is very sound advice too, to be safe. But, at the risk of being irresponsible, let me encourage you to dismiss that advice utterly and follow that thing you love with everything you can muster.

Bryan Fish on Anaerobic Threshold (AT) Intervals
Bryan Fish on Anaerobic Threshold (AT) Intervals

Bryan Fish on Anaerobic Threshold (AT) Intervals

6/30/2009 - By CXC Skiing

Bryan Fish talks about Anaerobic Threshold (AT) Intervals in a video from the CXC acadmey site.

Spring Fitness Assessment
Spring Fitness Assessment

Spring Fitness Assessment

6/12/2009 - By Garrott Kuzzy

CXC's Garrott Kuzzy explains the Spring Fitness Assessment. alos known as teh Medals Test, the assessment gives us a baseline on how our current fitness compares to previous years.
Calculating training load using your heart rate monitor: Adjusted TRIMP
Calculating training load using your heart rate monitor: Adjusted TRIMP

Calculating training load using your heart rate monitor: Adjusted TRIMP

6/9/2009 - By Mike Muha

Training Load is defined as Intensity x Duration. The harder and/or longer you workout, the higher the training load. But how do you calculate training load for your workouts, and why should you?

VO2 testing with Cardio Coach: Interpreting the results
VO2 testing with Cardio Coach: Interpreting the results

VO2 testing with Cardio Coach: Interpreting the results

5/14/2009 - By Mike Muha

This week, we look at the results from the testing. Although the Cardio Coach produces a rather lengthy set of statistics and graphs, I'm going to focus on one particular graph and the way it's interpreted to determine training intensity zones.

VO2 testing with Cardio Coach
VO2 testing with Cardio Coach

VO2 testing with Cardio Coach

5/5/2009 - By Mike Muha

Here's what to expect when you do VO2 testing at the Lower Michgain Junior Development and Master Program. Part 1 of a two part series.

Think about it

11/3/2008 - By Michael Sinnott

Call me a head case, but I believe that the single most overlooked aspect of skiing is the mental aspect

10 minute skate drills
10 minute skate drills

10 minute skate drills

10/22/2008 - By Mike Muha

Here's a set of dryland skate drills we learned from CXC Directory Yuriy Gusev. The skills required progresses with each drill - do the first drill, than add in the lesson of the second drill, which are added the third and so on.

Switching over to Fall training mode

9/18/2008 - By Justin Demers, XC Ottawa

September usually means back to school and regular work hours. The last few months before the snow flies are probably the most determinant of the season and there are plenty of obstacles to overcome.

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