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Team NordicSkiRacer Sarah Newmister leads a train in Sunday's Krazy Klassic. Sarah took first in the 40-49 age class! (Photo by Rachel Rosenbaum).

Team NordicSkiRacer Sarah Newmister leads a train in Sunday's Krazy Klassic. Sarah took first in the 40-49 age class! (Photo by Rachel Rosenbaum).

Noque Trail Network receives 238 acres donation to preserve trail
Noque Trail Network receives 238 acres donation to preserve trail

Noque Trail Network receives 238 acres donation to preserve trail

12/20/2023 - By Noquemanon Trail Network

The NTN is proud to announce the generous donation of 238 acres of land north of the Dead River that will help preserve the Noquemanon Ski Trail corridor between North Basin Drive and the NTN 510 Trailhead.

8th Annual 2024 Midwest Nordic Rendezvous starts first week of January
8th Annual 2024 Midwest Nordic Rendezvous starts first week of January

8th Annual 2024 Midwest Nordic Rendezvous starts first week of January

12/17/2023 - By Amy Powell

Two Clinics: Jan 6 and 7 offer clinics to help skiers improve their technique. Jan 3, 6, and 7 are clinics for becoming a PSIA Level 1 instructor or to get CEU credits.

Yellowstone Ski Festival: No snow!
Yellowstone Ski Festival: No snow!

Yellowstone Ski Festival: No snow!

11/15/2023 - By Yellowstone Ski Festival Committee

The 10 day forecast looks bad - less than an inch of snow is forecasted. The Committee is cancelling the Ski Festival Clinics and all races.
FIS Awards Homologation Certification to Hickory Hills
FIS Awards Homologation Certification to Hickory Hills

FIS Awards Homologation Certification to Hickory Hills

11/13/2023 - By City of Traverse City

Hickory Hills becomes the only homologated cross-country ski course in Michigan’s lower peninsula and joins two other homologated courses in Michigan, both in the Upper Peninsula: Ishpeming and Houghton. There are only 37 homologated courses in the US.

What to do with new or freshly stoneground skis?
What to do with new or freshly stoneground skis?

What to do with new or freshly stoneground skis?

11/1/2023 - By Iain Harvey

OK, so you got some new skis or you stoneground some skis... There are three steps you need to make the skis ready for snow.

Roller Ski Clinic with Jordyn Ross
Roller Ski Clinic with Jordyn Ross

Roller Ski Clinic with Jordyn Ross

10/31/2023 - By Mariah Frye

UPDATED! It's getting cold in the north woods, time to start your ski season training! Cross Country Ski Headquarters is hosting a Roller Ski Clinic with Jordyn Ross on Saturday, November 11th.
Toko: New Nordic products for this season
Toko: New Nordic products for this season

Toko: New Nordic products for this season

10/24/2023 - By Ian Harvey

Toko has a number of new products including High Performance Powders, to be applied on top of a hot waxed and scraped and brushed HP layer.

Toko Brand Overview
Toko Brand Overview

Toko Brand Overview

10/17/2023 - By Toko

We are innovation driven: first dedicated waxing iron, first fluorinated hydrocarbon glide wax (ie HF, LF), first brand to use molybdenum, first perfluorocarbon in bloc form (Streamline/WetJet/JetStream).

What's new at the Cross Country Ski Headquarters
What's new at the Cross Country Ski Headquarters

What's new at the Cross Country Ski Headquarters

10/13/2023 - By Mariah Frye Colie

In a busy world, plan simple, authentic winter fun at Cross Country Ski Headquarters!
2023-24 Stifel U.S. Cross Country Ski Team announced
2023-24 Stifel U.S. Cross Country Ski Team announced

2023-24 Stifel U.S. Cross Country Ski Team announced

10/11/2023 - By U.S. Cross Country Ski Team

U.S. Ski & Snowboard formally announces the 23 athletes representing the Stifel U.S. Cross Country Ski Team for the 2023-24 season.

FIS Fluor ban in effect: Clean your skis and wax tools!
FIS Fluor ban in effect: Clean your skis and wax tools!

FIS Fluor ban in effect: Clean your skis and wax tools!

10/11/2023 - By Mike Muha

After passing a ban on fluor waxes in November of 2019, the FIS has finally decided to enforce it during the 2023-2024 season. The delay came from the inability of the FIS to find a way a reliable and cost-effective method to detect fluor on skis.

Coaches form Michigan Junior Nordic Ski Association
Coaches form Michigan Junior Nordic Ski Association

Coaches form Michigan Junior Nordic Ski Association

10/10/2023 - By Mike Muha

Lower and upper peninsula junior coaches have formed the Michigan Junior Nordic Ski Association (MJNSA) to increase the range of opportunities for athletes in 6th through 12th grade, including camps, races, and other Nordic events throughout the year.

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SAT, FEB 8, 2025

North American Vasa Freestyle
Timber Ridge Resort, 4050 Hammond Rd East, Traverse City, MI 49696

XC Ski HQ: Free Beginner Ski Lesson
Cross Country Ski Headquarters, 9435 N Cut Rd, Roscommon, MI 48653. 800-832-2663, [email protected],

XC Ski HQ: Super Bowl Foodie Face-Off!
Cross Country Ski Headquarters, 9435 N Cut Rd, Roscommon, MI 48653. 800-832-2663, [email protected],

Ladies Ski & Sip Saturdays
Crytstal Mountain, 12500 Crystal Mountain Dr., Thompsonville, Michigan 49683

SUN, FEB 9, 2025

North American Vasa Classic
Timber Ridge Resort, 4050 Hammond Rd East, Traverse City, MI 49696

Team NordicSkiRacer Junior Ski
Huron Meadows Metropark, 8765 Hammel Rd, Brighton, MI 48116

XC Ski HQ: Learn to Skate Ski Clinic
Cross Country Ski Headquarters, 9435 N Cut Rd, Roscommon, MI 48653. 800-832-2663, [email protected],

XC Ski HQ: Super Bowl Foodie Face-Off!
Cross Country Ski Headquarters, 9435 N Cut Rd, Roscommon, MI 48653. 800-832-2663, [email protected],

Airsoft Biathlon
Crytstal Mountain, 12500 Crystal Mountain Dr., Thompsonville, Michigan 49683

XC Ski HQ: Wade Whittington Live
Cross Country Ski Headquarters, 9435 N Cut Rd, Roscommon, MI 48653. 800-832-2663, [email protected],

TUE, FEB 11, 2025

Vasa Ski Club Raptors Tuesday Night Race Series
Hickory Hills Recreation Area, 2000 Randolph Street, Traverse City, MI 49684

WED, FEB 12, 2025

BARC Learn to Ski
Huron Meadows Metropark, 8765 Hammel Rd, Brighton, MI 48116

FRI, FEB 14, 2025

XC Ski HQ: Winter Fest Kick-Off
Cross Country Ski Headquarters, 9435 N Cut Rd, Roscommon, MI 48653. 800-832-2663, [email protected],

SAT, FEB 15, 2025

CXC Jr. Cup / Great Lakes Division - Freestyle Mass Start
Houghton, MI - Michigan Tech Trails, MTU

Meijer State Games Forbush Corner Freestyle
Forbush Corner, 4971 W Co Rd 612, Frederic, MI 49733

XC Ski HQ: Free Beginner Ski Lesson
Cross Country Ski Headquarters, 9435 N Cut Rd, Roscommon, MI 48653. 800-832-2663, [email protected],

SUN, FEB 16, 2025

CXC Jr. Cup / Great Lakes Division - Classic Interval Start
Houghton, MI - Michigan Tech Trails, MTU

Meijer State Games Hanson Hills Classic
Hanson Hills Recreation Area, Grayling, MI

WED, FEB 19, 2025

American Birkebeiner, Kortelopet & Prince Haakon Open Track
Hayward, WI

THU, FEB 20, 2025

Junior Birkie
Hayward, WI

FRI, FEB 21, 2025

Kortelopet Classic and Skate 29K
OO Trailhead to Hayward, WI

Prince Haakon 15K
Hayward, WI

SAT, FEB 22, 2025

American Birkebeiner - 50K Skate Race, 53K Classic Race
Cable to Hayward, WI

XC Ski HQ: Free Beginner Ski Lesson
Cross Country Ski Headquarters, 9435 N Cut Rd, Roscommon, MI 48653. 800-832-2663, [email protected],

XC Ski HQ: Ribs and Blues 50th Anniversary Celebration!
Cross Country Ski Headquarters, 9435 N Cut Rd, Roscommon, MI 48653. 800-832-2663, [email protected],

SUN, FEB 23, 2025

32nd Annual Junior Muffin Race
Cross Country Ski Headquarters, 9435 N Cut Rd., Roscommon, MI 48653

More events...



Cross Country Ski Headquarters: All trails will be snowcombed this morning. Classic Tracks are also set on all trails. Join us today for the Free Lesson at 10:30, Trivia at 6pm, and the Super Bowl Foodie Faceoff for lunch! PLUS - learn to skate ski tomorrow at the Learn To Skate Ski Clinic! Sign up link is below.

Forbush Corner: 3 to 6 inches of snow is forecast for our area by the end of the day. We plan to groom west side, and possibly some of the pines loop depending on what we find out there after the wind event. Open 9 to 5. Good luck Vasa skiers!


Big M: Yesterday’s high winds have created a lot of debris on the trail (small sticks, branches and leaves). Some people tried to ski today, but with the debris in the trail they did more clearing than skiing, while others we able to ski many of the trails with caution for debris on the down hills.
A request for help: It is going to take a village to get this mess from the wind cleaned up so, as people ski along, we ask that they also help clear sticks from the tracks when they can.
Note: there are 3 trees reported down on Oh Me II, plus the 3 others on Ryberg Rd/Double Bit. There is also a leaner tree reported down on Big Wheel. These will get cleaned up in the next couple days.
No reports on Catamount yet, so please let us know if there are downed trees.
The snow is a little slick and crunchy today after the late afternoon sun yesterday but really great skiing (except for the debris). Hopefully we get enough new snow tomorrow to help cover up some of the debtris in the tracks.

Big M

Crystal Mountain: I have never seen so much trail trash. We did go over everything with the groomer stopping to pick up as much debris as possible and cutting up downed trees so it didn't get a good groom. Tried resetting tracks but they turned out crumbly in a lot of areas. Lots of drifts too and with out a blade it's impossible to smooth them out. We will re-groom tomorrow. Hopefully the forecasted snow covers up the rest of the trash. Good luck Vasa skiers.

Vasa Trail: Vasa trail is in the best shape it's been in for several seasons. The pisten bully did a great job cleaning up the wind mess...thx you groomers? Good luck this weekend, it's going to be a great race

Forbush Corner: Update: all the wind and new snow means east side will need a regroom today. If time allows, depending on amy downfall that might be to removed, we will groom west side.

Huron Meadows Metropark: Bucks has been good but likely groomed close to ski hours without time to set up, so it’s turned to deep sugar after ski traffic. On the bright side, it is more work (challenging) and a good change from the rocket fast and effortless ball bearings as is typical. Wax is still insignificant…everything is fast. Still great to be skiing close to home and there seems to be a lot of daily XC traffic at HM.

Hanson Hills: Heavy winds last night, Groomers Dan and Jason will be out cleaning up debris before running equipment. Trails are skiable. You may encounter some windblown areas until we get equipment out.

Hanson Hills Classic Registration:

Forbush Corner: Feels like a real winter this year. Winds are moderating, temps are great for skiing. West side trails will be groomed for skating and classic today. East side trails groomed yesterday. Open 9 to 5.

Crystal Mountain: Expect some drifting and a lot of trail trash. I know of at least one big tree down so give us a chance to get trails groomed and trees and trash picked up. Beware of the dreaded beech and oak leaves in the tracks.


Big M: We groomed all the trails today. There is about 7 inches of new snow from earlier in the week. The tracks are nicely packed and there is plenty of base. The conditions are great, minus a few leaves in the trail from today's wind.
The tree from Catamount was cut out.
A group of hikers had walked up to Cappers Peak and then continued on, on Catamount and Double Bit, but their mess cleaned up with the groom.

Muncie Lakes Pathway: Judy, a She Skis member, had planned to ski Muncie for the first time, and her friend Sharon & Diane G were joining for a delayed start at noon, so I decided to join for a short ski to #8, too. Diane had info to share about Sun Valley, and the other 2 had just finished the VSC technique class with Amy & Mario, so skiing Singletrack was a change for them, and they did well. The tracks set on Tues were holding up well & the sun came out as we were finishing, when GTHC volunteer groomer John G stopped by in the parking lot to check on the trail conditions, which were great again for glide & climbing in the tracks with my skins. Considering the heavy winds late this afternoon, I’m sure there will be branches down on the trail, so if you’re out for a ski, pick up what you can before the next groom.

Cross Country Ski Headquarters: The trails have set up nicely over the past few days, both the tracks and the skate deck are in incredible shape. Most of the white pines are still caked in snow, and the smiling faces of happy skiers are in abundance!

Hanson Hills: Trail System is groomed with set Tracks. Groomer Dan is out this morning combing skate deck.

Forbush Corner: East side trails and West side green trail groomed for today. Trails are 100% covered. Open 9 to 5.

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