This clinic is geared towards coaches who are interested in either obtaining Level 1 or 2 certification, or who simply want to gather more in depth information to help them become more effective coaches.,
Here is an elite national class racer doing the V2 on an uphill. He has completely shifted his weight onto his left gliding ski, yet his right foot is still hanging out to the side. Old technique would dictate...,
Last weekend CXC Team skiers headed north to host several Get Your Nordic On! ski clinics in Ashland, Wisconsin and Houghton, Michigan.,
This past week the US Biathlon Team has been training in the Torsby ski tunnel. Ever wonder what a ski tunnel is like?,
Right now Kris is somewhere over the North Atlantic on his way to Norway. He’ll be in Beitostolen for the next two and a half weeks preparing for the World Cup distance opener there.,
Beckie, on the right, is using the new double pole technique, leaning slightly forward, raising up on her toes and planting her poles pointing backwards in a direction that will give immediate forward propulsion. The skier next to her?,
Hanson Hills Recreation Authority will be hosting the MILAN BIAC Nordic Ski Technique and Training Clinic on December 15-16, 2007. ,
Fall is just tough for cross country skiers. We have to train with diligence, because racing starts soon. At the same time, we don't even actually get to do the sport we are training for.,
The World Cup team is done with fall testing, and the Continental Cup team starts today...,
On May 1st Kris did his first sustained intensity session of the training season. He just did his 16th (including time trials) and last of the training season. Now it’s race season.,
Kris is on his way back home from Utah right now. Earlier today he did his VO2max test and the numbers look very interesting.,
There was a balance between group workouts and individual team sessions. Our goal was to train on steeper and longer ascents in some of our threshold and higher intensity sessions, so many of these efforts were done on our own.,
Cross Country SuperCamps (3 and 5 day camps from Nov 25 - Jan 12)
SilverStar Mountain Resort, Vernon, British Columbia, Canada
Team NordicSkiRacer rollerski or foot workout
Kensington Metropark or Maybury State Park
Team NordicSkiRacer rollerski or foot workout
Kensington Metropark or Maybury State Park
Team NordicSkiRacer rollerski or foot workout
Kensington Metropark or Maybury State Park