You know it's going to be a tough 10k race when you realize over the most difficult trails at Boyne Mountain...
Ken Dawson has tabulated the results from the first five Michigan Cup races, through the Cote Dame Marie. Who's on first?
Sun and crisp cold temps greeted the 50 racers who gathered at Crystal Mountain XC center for the 7th annual Flying Squirrel Freestyle race on Sunday Jan. 19th. Skiers came from Crystal Nordic, Vasa Raptors, Lake Michigan XC, and Icy Instincts.
Getr waxing! Wax recommendations for the Boyne Classic and Beech Nuts Junior Race
The HHCCSS team wasted no time getting down to business at the Cote Dame Marie, finishing first in both the men's and women's division in the Brumbaugh Cup.
UPDATED! ADDED LINK TO RESULTS! It was pure pleasure to be racing the Cote Dame Marie on a course with nice snow and grooming!
The snow we received has unfortunately left us without confidence in our ability to run even a modified distance course safely this year
The red trail base is improving, but as much as I want to include this section, it currently has a marginal and bumpy base that I fear would not positively showcase our trail system or our grooming efforts. We may shorten the race.
When the smoke cleared. Team NSR had won the day with 36 points, ending in third place with 308 points in overall Brumbaugh Cup. HHCCSS and GRNST weathered the storm, remaining in first and second place.
The Michigan Cup moved South for a weekend of races at Huron Meadows Metropark near Brighton. This is Team NordicSkiRacer’s home course and the defending Brumbaugh Cup champions began their defense. It was a defense of no small proportions.
The 10k race will be slightly longer at just over 11k, the 20k course should be just over 21k, and our long course will be around 42 km.
We’re kicking off our Tuesday Night Race Series again at Hickory Hills this week! It’s a 5-race series featuring various race formats and styles. These are free, community-based events open to everyone and are a lot of fun.