It was pure pleasure to be racing the Cote Dame Marie on a course with nice snow and grooming! Even with warm weather the day before and light precipitation overnight, the course was wonderfully groomed. Yes, the 200 yards leading the second lap and finish line were a little sketchy, but the rest of the course was a nice ski.
Race director Justin Andre shortened the course from 26k to 22k because the Red Trail did have good enough snow. The rerouted course went out on All Trails, turned on to the Blue Trail, then the Brown Trail, then the Yellow Trail, then took Easy Return back to the Lodge. The men skied a second lap, skiing past the finish line and taking a hard right and climbing to the top of the alpine area. This is a long climb that gets steeper at the very end. Skiers who went past their red line here had a much harder time finishing the second lap!
Women did one lap for 11km; men did two laps for 22k. Juniors and citizen racers completed a shorter 5k loop.
I think most racers were completely happy with the selection of trails, each of the trails having a slightly different personality but great flow, making for interesting skiing.
Don Camp leads Jukka Pietila up Easy Return (Photo: Sista Stash)
Jorden Wakeley (Hanson Hills / Cross Country Ski Shop) took first in the 22k race in 1:01:33. Edward Roe was about a minute back in 1:02:26 for second. Kevin Tarras held off Wes Dean by 4 seconds to take third in 1:05:10.
Four juniors skied the 22km as well. The top junior was Drew Moore, finishing in 1:04:13 - good enough for third place overall if he had raced in the senior division! Dane Trudeon, Jacob Hartman, and Kyle Issendorf pulled in second, third and fourth in 1:24:09, 1:27:51, and 1:31:07.
Rebecca Davis (Hanson Hills / Cross Country Ski Shop) won the 11km in 39:15, with teammate Heather Compton taking second in 39:43. Team NordicSkiRacer Sarah Newmister was third in 40:15.
Liam Crimmins (24:56), James Brugeman (26:16), and Jack Brugeman (26:20) were the top three junior men. There were only two junior women: Shirel Temkin came in first in 29:21 followed by Tess Hill in 32:15.
In the 5km Skate race, the top men were Matthew M Gabriel (23:21), Tad Hill (25:45), and Anthony Fisher (27:15). No women raced the skate race.
For the 5km Classic race, Mike Appel (34:53), Todd Wilson (40:46), Peter Johnson (41:24) were the top men. Josie VanderVeen (32:51) and Kathryn Ullrich (55:03) were the top women.