Cross Country Ski Headquarters wins another Michigan Cup! Good job getting your skiers out, Headquarters!
After six Michigan Cup races, our overall leaders have not changed: Rayne Newmister, Shirel Temkin, Rebecca Davis, and Yvon Dufour lead the Michigan Cup.
After a week of below zero temperatures, fresh snow and temperatures in the 20’s greeted Michigan Cup skiers for the Boyne Mountain Classic. The challenging course, originally designed as a World Class venue, tested the mettle of even the best racers.
Athletes from the Finnish Nordic Ski Club (Soo Canada), the Crystal Community Ski Club, and the Lake Michigan Cross Country team competed in perfect winter conditions.
The snow is looking great! Official race distances are approximately 12.5K/ 22K / 40K. Maps show the cutoffs for the various distances.
You know it's going to be a tough 10k race when you realize over the most difficult trails at Boyne Mountain...
Ken Dawson has tabulated the results from the first five Michigan Cup races, through the Cote Dame Marie. Who's on first?
Sun and crisp cold temps greeted the 50 racers who gathered at Crystal Mountain XC center for the 7th annual Flying Squirrel Freestyle race on Sunday Jan. 19th. Skiers came from Crystal Nordic, Vasa Raptors, Lake Michigan XC, and Icy Instincts.
Getr waxing! Wax recommendations for the Boyne Classic and Beech Nuts Junior Race
The HHCCSS team wasted no time getting down to business at the Cote Dame Marie, finishing first in both the men's and women's division in the Brumbaugh Cup.
UPDATED! ADDED LINK TO RESULTS! It was pure pleasure to be racing the Cote Dame Marie on a course with nice snow and grooming!
The snow we received has unfortunately left us without confidence in our ability to run even a modified distance course safely this year
The red trail base is improving, but as much as I want to include this section, it currently has a marginal and bumpy base that I fear would not positively showcase our trail system or our grooming efforts. We may shorten the race.
Hiawatha Highlands: The correct link is which shows which trails are open and says "Good Friday Morning Everyone!! It's currently snowing up here, and then looks like some freezing rain coming.
Trails update as of 9:15 a.m.:
The Pinder system and the 2 km Lighted had skate lanes refreshed this morning, tracks still in good shape. The Crystal and Red Pine systems will not be groomed today.
Hope everyone has a great day!
Please be cautious out there with this impending weather system coming in."
Hiawatha Highlands:
Hickory Hills: Perfect, near mid-winter conditions on the sprint course, low grade road and lighted loop this evening. Many thanks to city staff and/or volunteers for yesterday's and today's grooming. And after many skis earlier this winter with a headlamp, this evening's ski required sun glasses.
Thanks to the regular posters on this page. Your contributions are appreciated. Apologies for the multiple entries. Now I see how that happens despite my ability to navigate this page in the past.
Hickory Hills:
Hickory Hills:
Interlochen Golf Course: The Dreeszens & I switched trails today. They’re skiing in my tracks at Lost Lakes Pathway from yesterday & I skied in theirs at IGC, which were deep & fast. It’s convenient that that we live so close to these trails. The sun has come out full blast this afternoon so glad I got my ski in before lunchtime & the warmup. May be my last one, but if so, what an amazing winter it has been since it began snowing Thanksgiving evening, with travels to Silver Star/Sovereign Lakes/BC & Sun Valley, ID with North Stars Ski Touring Club of MSP, Stokely, and Masters World Cup in Klosters/Davos again with MI Cup race friends! Our new (10/23) Piston Bully 100 even got out on the Vasa trail in time for the race weekend, and groomers have finally been trained, so will be ready for the snow in 2026! Skiers really noticed & appreciated the difference the PB100 made to the trail conditions the last month of the season. I know I will be ready since it’s my favorite season of the year!
Hickory Hills: the man made loop at hickory is groomed and excellent