Swix develops racing service team to support major Nordic events in the US and launches a Swix Racing USA web site that will post wax reports, recommendations, and racing service notes.,
At West Yellowstone, I attended most of the wax information meetings by Swix, Toko, and Holmenkol and talked to factory representatives. Here are some of the highlights.,
Swix has released a new free web site called the Swix School that provides excellent narrated videos of how to prepare and wax skis. Each lesson - and there are many! - has a video and illustrations of what operation is taking place.,
Solda has released several new waxes for the 2005-2006 season. Here's the hype with a few comments...,
Describes - in great detail - base structuring, glide waxing, kick waxing, waxing tools, ironing techniques, and glide testing. A must read for any racer, even if you don't use Toko waxes. 438KB PDF file,
Grip Tape is applied like Scotch Tape to the kick zone of your classic skis. According to Start, 'it's one product for all conditions from +5° to -20°C, Start Grip Tape gives excellent grip, which lasts 250 km or even more.' Here's what I found...,
So when do you use Toko Helix, JetStream, and X-Cold Powder? Well, the first thing you do is ignore the temperature ranges on the wax boxes. Here's some new information from a Toko wax clinic at the National Masters...,
Make it simple and focus on three or four waxes for your training needs. Add a few additional waxes for superb race skis. And as for using a large number of glide wax layers? Forget about it!,
This morning is 'Ski Season Spring Cleaning' morning! Time to do those tasks that need to be done to transition from skiing to spring training: equipment prep and wax tips. And just what does a freezer have to do with this?,
Here's a couple of low tech solutions which seem to work very well for making a *flat*, *square* edge on a Plexiglas scraper.,
Toko has a new "Waxing & Tuning" narrated video CD that reviews base repair, cleaning, and waxing of both classic and skating skis, for both racer and novice waxers.,