When it comes to school and balance there are several things to consider. The primary one is seldom study and training - for which there is enough time in the day. Alcohol and partying is the biggest challenge to attending college and succeeding in sport.,
Last fall the Team acquired a huge treadmill – big enough to use roller skis and reach speeds over 25 mph! During a World Cup break, Demong came home to train specifically for World Championships with an eye on a medal.,
This past training block is the biggest Kris has ever done. He’s been in the territory before, but 92 hours in 20 days (4.6 hours per day) is the largest average training volume he’s got on record. But that’s pretty tame compared to the last two weeks...,
The event's highlights include a series of Nordic skiing clinics, the SuperTour races, the Try It and Buy It Gear Demo (the largest public gear demo of its type) and an Indoor Ski Show. Here's a series of Frequently Asked Questions about the Festival.,
The following is a summary of my training from my last block. This was the biggest daily average of training I have ever done. The first six days were much smaller than the last two weeks where I trained 69 hours.,
In less than 10 weeks, I'll be on snow out at the Yellowstone Ski Festival in West Yellowstone. I've been looking forward to getting back to West Yellowstone every since the first time I went three years ago.
U.S. Ski Team athletes found midwinter snow for cross country training again in New Zealand while some teammates fine-tuned their own training with their grassroots club or personal coach at home.,
2006 Olympic medalist Sara Renner of Canada shifted gears after the 2006 Olympic season to take a break and have a baby with her husband, the now-retired top alpine skier Thomas Grandi. We interviewed Sara to ask her about motherhood and her future plans.,
Come rollerski, bike, run, skate, kayak, etc with us this Saturday morning and maybe win a free set a Casco SX-20 sport glasses or a Sweat Gutr Ultimate Sweatband!,
Directly after NZ, the team was in for some rest. This post picks up with a little of the rest period and then last weeks training for a few of the athletes.,
The USST New Zealand training camp is now over. To be more precise, it has been over for a week now. Our group was stellar down there. Everyone stayed healthy, trained well, and is now fitter.,
Focus. Concentration. Professionalism. It’s these traits that set Aaron apart. Skiing’s the same. The best racers I’ve seen don’t need another telling them to train at such-and-such pace, or what have you.,
Cross Country SuperCamps (3 and 5 day camps from Nov 25 - Jan 12)
SilverStar Mountain Resort, Vernon, British Columbia, Canada
Team NordicSkiRacer rollerski or foot workout
Kensington Metropark or Maybury State Park
Team NordicSkiRacer rollerski or foot workout
Kensington Metropark or Maybury State Park
Team NordicSkiRacer rollerski or foot workout
Kensington Metropark or Maybury State Park