Fifth in a series of articles about sports nutrition. In this installment: Should you ever consume protein during exercise?,
Fourth in a series of articles about sports nutrition. In this installment: Are more electrolytes better?,
Third in a series of articles about sports nutrition. In this installment: How many calories are too many calories during exercise?,
Second in a series of articles about sports nutrition. In this installment: Why should athletes avoid simple sugar consumption?,
First in a series of articles about sports nutrition. In this installment: Is excess water consumption at bad thing?,
Milan Baic's racers spend the clinic learning about what to do in the days leading up to the race, race day preparation, and how to have a good start...,
We spent about 45 minutes on a hands-on waxing session, with Milan demonstrating and each of us prepping our skis. Then it was snow time.,
December 29 was the first of three Monday night pre-Vasa clinics given by Milan Baic at Timber Ridge in Traverse City. The audience was as targeted – mostly inexperienced racers, with a few grizzled veterans.,
John Aalberg explains what training zones are used for and how to compute them. We then run a max heart rate test so we can figure out our zones. Several people are surprised by what the test reveals!,
Need to balance family life with training? Thirteen years ago I started the Early Morning Anaerobic Group. We have evolved from three biker/skiers to a group of 20 who meet regularly at 5:00 or 5:30 most mornings to rollerski, ski, bike, or run.,
Here's a weekly and yearly training log you can use to record your workouts. There's a definite point of view to this log...see if it fits your needs.,
This table shows what's considered Low, Somewhat Low, Average, High, and Very High maximal oxygen uptake (VO2 Max) in ml/kg/minute, by age and gender.,