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The four Team NordicSkiRacer amigos getting a long classic ski in at Forbush Corner before the weather warms up! Doug Corner, Tony Percha, Zbigny Zlobicki, Mike Muha

The four Team NordicSkiRacer amigos getting a long classic ski in at Forbush Corner before the weather warms up! Doug Corner, Tony Percha, Zbigny Zlobicki, Mike Muha

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SAT, JAN 4, 2025

U.S. National Championships at Kincaid Park - Classic Sprint
Kincaid Park, Anchorage, AK

UPDATED: Winter Wolf 2x5k Skiathlon
Forbush Corner, 4971 W Co Rd 612, Frederic, MI 49733

Skate and Classic Ski Clinics with Jordyn Ross
Cross Country Ski Headquarters, 9435 N Cut Rd, Roscommon, MI 48653. 800-832-2663, [email protected],

SUN, JAN 5, 2025

U.S. National Championships at Kincaid Park - Classic Mass Start 20km (10k for Juniors)
Kincaid Park, Anchorage, AK

PSIA XC Level 1 & 2 exam (On-snow portion of Hybrid PSIA Clinic)
Forbush Corner, 4971 W Co Rd 612, Frederic, MI 49733

MON, JAN 6, 2025

XC Ski HQ: Discover Michigan Cross Country Skiing Program (Jan 6-31)
Cross Country Ski Headquarters, 9435 N Cut Rd, Roscommon, MI 48653. 800-832-2663, [email protected],

TUE, JAN 7, 2025

U.S. National Championships at Kincaid Park - Freestyle Sprint
Kincaid Park, Anchorage, AK

WED, JAN 8, 2025

PSIA XC Level 1 & 2 exam (Virtual portion of Hybrid PSIA Clinic)
Forbush Corner, 4971 W Co Rd 612, Frederic, MI 49733

SAT, JAN 11, 2025

Vasa Raptor Rush Nordic Ski Race Fundraiser
Hickory Hills Ski Area, Traverse City, MI

XC Ski HQ: Bob’s Bean Bomb at the Stone Turtle Cafe
Cross Country Ski Headquarters, 9435 N Cut Rd, Roscommon, MI 48653. 800-832-2663, [email protected],

SISU Ski Fest
ABR Trails, E5299 West Pioneer Road, Ironwood, Michigan 49938

Frosty Fest! Frosty Freestyle 5/15K
Huron Meadows Metropark, Brighton, MI

XC Ski HQ: "Pure Michigan” Winter Trails Day with the Great Lakes Winter Trails Council
Cross Country Ski Headquarters, 9435 N Cut Rd, Roscommon, MI 48653. 800-832-2663, [email protected],

XC Ski HQ: Free Beginner Ski Lesson
Cross Country Ski Headquarters, 9435 N Cut Rd, Roscommon, MI 48653. 800-832-2663, [email protected],

SUN, JAN 12, 2025

XC Ski HQ: Bob’s Bean Bomb at the Stone Turtle Cafe
Cross Country Ski Headquarters, 9435 N Cut Rd, Roscommon, MI 48653. 800-832-2663, [email protected],

Frosty Fest! Krazy Klassic 7K/10K
Huron Meadows Metropark, Brighton, MI

XC Ski HQ: Golden Years Ski School!
Cross Country Ski Headquarters, 9435 N Cut Rd, Roscommon, MI 48653. 800-832-2663, [email protected],

MON, JAN 13, 2025

XC Ski HQ: Silver Streak Week - Seniors ski free!
Cross Country Ski Headquarters, 9435 N Cut Rd, Roscommon, MI 48653. 800-832-2663, [email protected],

XC Ski HQ: Free Beginner Ski Lesson
Cross Country Ski Headquarters, 9435 N Cut Rd, Roscommon, MI 48653. 800-832-2663, [email protected],

TUE, JAN 14, 2025

XC Ski HQ: Silver Streak Week - Seniors ski free!
Cross Country Ski Headquarters, 9435 N Cut Rd, Roscommon, MI 48653. 800-832-2663, [email protected],

WED, JAN 15, 2025

XC Ski HQ: Silver Streak Week - Seniors ski free!
Cross Country Ski Headquarters, 9435 N Cut Rd, Roscommon, MI 48653. 800-832-2663, [email protected],

THU, JAN 16, 2025

XC Ski HQ: Silver Streak Week - Seniors ski free!
Cross Country Ski Headquarters, 9435 N Cut Rd, Roscommon, MI 48653. 800-832-2663, [email protected],

FRI, JAN 17, 2025

XC Ski HQ: Silver Streak Week - Seniors ski free!
Cross Country Ski Headquarters, 9435 N Cut Rd, Roscommon, MI 48653. 800-832-2663, [email protected],

SAT, JAN 18, 2025

CXC Jr. Cup / Great Lakes Division - Classic Individual Start
Rhinelander, WI - Northwoods Nordic Ski Club

Cote Dame Marie
Hanson Hills Recreation Area, Grayling, MI

XC Ski HQ: Gourmet Lunch at Trapper's Cabin
Cross Country Ski Headquarters, 9435 N Cut Rd, Roscommon, MI 48653. 800-832-2663, [email protected],

XC Ski HQ: Gourmet Mac ‘n Cheese Bar
Cross Country Ski Headquarters, 9435 N Cut Rd, Roscommon, MI 48653. 800-832-2663, [email protected],

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Huron Meadows Metropark: I too called for HM/Bucks status and was reassured that “everything possible” was being done to open soon. My fear is that immediately following the race, “everything possible” will be done to prepare for golf season.

Elk Rapids Golf Course: Kind of windswept, so the couple inches of snow is unequally distributed. Surprisingly the fastest skiing was on the thin areas where there were blades of grass showing, as the blades had been glazed over with a fast icy layer. No clumping unless you stopped for a minute in the same spot. There is a rack of loaner skis, boots, and poles at the NE corner of the clubhouse parking lot.

Huron Meadows Metropark: I just got off the phone with a very nice person at Hudson Mills. She informed me that Buck’s Run is not ready for skiing this weekend and they are doing everything possible to get it ready for the race next weekend. So unless we get lots of natural snow in the next few days, don’t plan on Buck’s until race day.

Huron Meadows Metropark: Has anyone walked out to see if the parks are even attempting to open Bucks?

Valley Spur: John C is out grooming in the 6” of fresh LES from overnight. Will be great on top of our base.

Huron Meadows Metropark: After repeated attempts to get the park to provide public status updates on the plans for Bucks Run, I have been told by park administration that if you want information you should call Hudson Mills Metropark for information. I suggest people do that, as frequently as often as you feel necessary to get updated information. The number is 734.426.8211.

Cross Country Ski Headquarters: It continues to snow this morning. The trails are sparsely covered, and open for rock skiing on classic skis. Our snow-moving team is spreading snow onto the Trapper's Cabin trail at night, and we expect the ~2km loop it to be finished by Monday. The practice area currently has abundant man-made snow, and is PERFECT for demos, lessons, and for skiers of all ages to ski around and play.

For folks interested in learning how to ski, or improving their technique, join us for a FREE beginner classic ski lesson Saturday at 10:30, plus Ski Clinics with Jordyn Ross Saturday and Sunday, with options from in Beginner/Intermediate to Advanced/Expert skate and classic options. Sign up soon by calling 989-821-6661.

Hanson Hills
Winter Wolf Skiathlon Update

Saturday, January 4th, 2025
Race Venue: Forbush Corner - 4971 W Co Rd 612, Frederic, MI 49733

Online Registration:
Registration closes at 5:59 PM on January 3rd. No late entries!

Race Day Check-In:
Time: 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM
Location: The Yurt at Forbush Corner
Important: All participants must sign a Forbush Corner release form at check-in and will receive their race bib and transition box assignment.

Race Format:

Wave Start: 4 racers every 5 seconds. Self-seeding at the start line. Classic Start, complete 2 loops before entering the transition area. Transition, then complete 2 loops of Freestyle/Skate.

Transition Rules:

Required Equipment Change: If you have only one set of skis, you must remove them, switch feet, and put them back on. If you have only one set of poles, you must remove them, then put them back on.

Need Help? Meet with timer Alan at check-in if you anticipate difficulty removing your skis. He will apply an appropriate time adjustment. (THIS MUST BE COMMUNICATED AT CHECK IN)

Reminder: This is a FUN event! The honor system is in full effect.


Overall Male and Female winners in both Junior and Senior divisions will receive awards.

Special Thanks:
A huge shoutout to the Forbush Crew for hosting our inaugural Winter Wolf Skiathlon!
And an extra thank you to Alan Hough for his exceptional timing and co-direction of this event.

Get ready to hit the snow and have a howlin' good time!
See you Saturday!

- Justin Andre

Forbush Corner: Great news! Looks like we are in for more lake effect snow in addition to the 4 inches we received yesterday. Grooming through early morning. Expect deep set classic tracks and firm skate deck with fresh snow. Check Nordic Pulse on the website for an update on fresh groomed trails. Open 9 to 5.


Dunes Golf Club: Lots of visitation classic tracks all over so fun exists
Please respect the greens
Coverage though thin is still worth the workout
Support winter weather
4 MI east of empire on m-72

Stokely Creek: Today's lake effect was underachieving, only 2-3". But with the existing base the main trails groomed up very good. You could encounter the rare narrow/wet/icy spot, but should be lots of good skiing to be had next few days. I might even bust out skating skis for the reworked transformed snow.

Interlochen Golf Course: 2-3" of fresh snow was enough to make our own classic tracks at this skier-friendly golf course. Use B-skis or step cautiously over gravel cart paths and the road to the maintenance building.

Michaywe: Received 2-3 new snow. Packed and rolled the entire trail system. Base is holding help well on Maple Ridge, Nordic, and most of Herringbone. The River Trail is good on the south side, but has a few thin spots on the north. The Lake Loop and both golf course loops are marginal to extremely thin in spots. Some areas the only snow is the new snow.

Forbush Corner: Lovely ski at Forbush today. Skied everything that's groomed: A short stack on Pancake > Snowmaking Loop > Badlands > Roller Coaster > Ridge Snowmaking > Back to Badlands for one more lap. Great job grooming by the Forbush team—it's very good skiing out there. With the cold weather in the forecast a little snow would go a looooooong way.

Boyne Mountain: Lower trails are open, with 4-5 inches of new snow overnight. Skiing on the across the road from the tennis center is a bit better than the trailhead because we lost snow on the trailhead in the big thaw.
Vistas will be rolled soon!

Cross Country Ski Headquarters: We received about an inch of snow last night, and more is on the way. The trails are sparsely covered, and open for rock skiing on classic skis. The practice area has abundant snow, and is PERFECT for demos, lessons, and for skiers of all ages to ski around and play! Join us this weekend for a clinic series with Jordyn Ross: Beginner/Intermediate Skate and Classic Clinics on Saturday, and Advanced/Expert Skate and Classic Clinics on Sunday - call 989-821-6661 to register!

Forbush Corner: There was enough new snow last night that Larry was able to groom Roller Coaster and Badlands. All of the trails with snowmaking (3+ km) have also been groomed. today. We have about 10km of trails open and groomed for skiing today.

Hanson Hills: Fresh 2 inches of snow! Groomers are rolling and packing.
Trails remain closed until we confirm skiable conditions.

Forbush Corner: Looks like winter may be returning to the corner in the next few days. Lake effect snow is in the forecast and if we get enough we can open more trails for skiing on the weekend. For today, the 240 Loop, Ridge and the Valley (man made snow) will be groomed. This amounts to about 3k for skating and classic. These trails are two-way. For safety, road rules. Please stay to right and do not cut corners. Open 9 to 5.


Vasa Trail

Dunes Golf Club: 4" new on grass base. 28* at 4:09 pm
Begining to grin about tomorrow
Skiing is a belief and I believe I will do da dunes tomorrow!
For those who dare be there

Valley Spur: John C was out early with ginzu working up frozen base. Peggy reports a good ski up on Y & W. Looking at improving conditions with new snow.

Valley Spur: John C was out early with ginzu working up frozen base. Peggy reports a good ski up on Y & W. Looking at improving conditions with new snow.

Dunes Golf Club: HNY!
Hasty report. temp 30* new snow two in plus of heavy moist dense new base over mowed grass which is rapidly disappearing! With forecasted cold temps and more snow today it would be a very good risk for us diagonal sliders.
Winter number 3 begins
pray for snow and hope for the best

Hickory Hills: For all the TC local community Nordic advocates, Hickory Hills has some very nice skiing. The lower bowl area and the road going up the lighted loop has good snow coverage and only one dirt spot in the lower bowl area that is easy to navigate. The trail beyond the old lodge does not have sufficient snow, so you have to turn around at that point. Total ski area including lower bowl and trail is around 1 1/2k. Certainly any intermediate or even novice skier could negotiate the terrain . Don't forget to sign up for Vasa race and join us at the Vasa Community Celebration party on Saturday February 8th from 4-7pm. Free appetizers, cash bar and live music, plus lots of great raffle prizes.

Hiawatha Highlands: 6 trails open, 3 are currently on caution. Trails are quite hard and icy due to a long stretch of mild wet weather. Temperature +1 C. Forecast calling for significant snowfall over the next 24 hours. Have a good day.

Forbush Corner: Happy New Year! We will have the 240 Loop and Ridge, about 2.5 k of man-made snow, groomed for skiing today. This terrain requires intermediate to advanced skills, not recommended for first time or beginner skiers. We need more snow before we can open any of our other trails. Open 9 to 5.

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