Tuesday is a ski testing day. A few new experimental structures were tested by feel and in a speed trap.
Technique is critical in rotocorking cross country skis. There are two general methods: high rpms with light pressure, and low rpms with high pressure.
There are three main application methods for applying JetStream for Nordic racing.
Still time to get these great gift items before the holidays...
For the casual fitness skier, or for skiers from the skating-only crowd starting to embrace classic skiing, the Zero ski allows a more positive kick – and experience – in the most difficult wax conditions.
Most ski models offer at least two possible lengths for my height and weight. What criteria should guide my decision for choosing the optimum ski length?
Swix HFBW waxes are frequently used in conditions that are either dirty and / or cold and dry, or a combination of both. In clean, new and newer snow, the HF line runs well alone and the BW additive does not enhance performance.
I was perusing some European patent documents today, and saw that Salomon has recently applied for a patent that would incorporate some great ideas that have been available only on the NNN/NIS bindings up until now.
Visit the inside of the Norwegian wax truck with Knut Nystad.
Here's rating and recommendations for a few of the new skating cross country skis from Salomon, Rossignol, Fischer, and Atomic.
First off there is room for individual preference when it comes to pole length. So if you like your pole length don't let someone tell you it is too short or too long.
The Human Powered Trail Groomer, HPTG3 for short, is a unit that skiers can pull behind them as they snowshoe along a trail or across a local field creating a skate lane. he groomer creates a better skate lane easier than homemade devices.
Team NordicSkiRacer rollerski or foot workout
Kensington Metropark or Maybury State Park
Yellowstone Ski Festival, Nov 26-30
West Yellowstone, MT
XC Ski HQ Thanksgiving Weekend Sale, Friday, Nov 29th - Monday, Dec 2nd
Cross Country Ski Headquarters, 9435 N Cut Rd, Roscommon, MI 48653. 800-832-2663, [email protected], CrossCountrySki.com
Team NordicSkiRacer rollerski or foot workout
Kensington Metropark or Maybury State Park
Team NordicSkiRacer rollerski or foot workout
Kensington Metropark or Maybury State Park
Stone Turtle Cafe Opens & Free Beginner Ski Lesson*
Cross Country Ski Headquarters, 9435 N Cut Rd, Roscommon, MI 48653. 800-832-2663, [email protected], CrossCountrySki.com
XC Ski HQ Ski Team Kick-Off Dinner!
Cross Country Ski Headquarters, 9435 N Cut Rd, Roscommon, MI 48653. 800-832-2663, [email protected], CrossCountrySki.com
Oregon Fall Camp, Dec 8-14
Mt Bachelor/Bend, Oregon