Experienced ski racers know the basic rules and expectations of passing other skiers in skate and classic races. Those that are new to racing, touring and kids in youth programs often don’t know or didn’t really understand the basics rules about skier etiquette when explained to them.
I Googled “Racer Etiquette” I found this by Jan Clark: “Follow these tips for an enjoyable ski and share the tracks with others. Being polite is infectious, so be sure to thank folks that are staying to the side or moving out of the way. Also, give way to others when necessary so everyone can have a fun trip. Just ski friendly.”
Not exactly what I was looking for, but I liked “share the tracks”, “being polite is infectious” and “just ski friendly”.
Also searched SkiPost.com and read “There is no written law of race etiquette, but if you can refrain from being the jerk ……………….you will probably have a far more successful and enjoyable time.”
While volunteering with the North American VASA one of my favorite jobs is always helping with the junior VASA races. Kids are cool! I gained a ton of great stories over the 2012 VASA weekend while interacting with these potential life-time members of our Nordic culture.
During one of the youth races on Sunday my daughter Cassidy lead the kids on their 2km course while I brought up the rear as the sweeper. While skiing along with the trailing young athlete we had a good conversation going and we made sure to stay clear of any adult racers that were passing us as they entered into the finish lap area. I was pretty shocked when my young ski racer and I were screamed at and told to “get off the course” by one of the adult racers. There were two sets of classic tracks. The adult racers were really spread out and exclusively using the inside track. My young friend and I were skiing in the outside track and following all of the proper rules of ski racing etiquette. As the screamer passed I told her that the youth racers had every right to be in the tracks as she did. Her only comment was that she didn’t see his Bib # that was on the front of his jacket.
Here are some good reasons to NEVER talk or scream rudely at fellow racers or non-racers that may be out on the course:
We all need to be positive ambassadors for the greatest sport on snow while training and racing. Keep it positive and enthusiastically let others know just how awesome cross country skiing is.