Fluorocarbons waxes are a skier’s best friend. These miracle lubricants gain their qualities from extremely negatively charged Fluorine atoms that repel the also negatively charged Oxygen in H2O (and also commonly negatively charged dirt.) FC’s decrease the surface tension and surface area of water and effectively turn the high suction water layer between the skis and the snow into slippery water ball bearings. The more H20 and Dirt present the more FC’s will increase ski speed.
Benefits of Fluorocarbon Enhanced Waxes and 100% Fluorocarbon Top Coats
Your benefits will vary, and could easily be greater, based on numerous variables including snow type, humidity, ski condition, and application. Benefits also increase as length of race increases, humidity/water increases or dirt increases. It should be noted that in most every condition any FC Top Coat is better than using no FC Top Coat:
Table 1. Conservative Time Savings Corridors over 10km in common snow types.
Hardness | FC | HF | LF | CH | |
Very Wet +0C and Warmer |
10 | Fastest FC10X |
add 30 to 45+ secs |
add 45 to 65+ secs |
add 60 to 90+ secs |
Normal Warm +1C to -4C |
8 | Fastest FC8X |
add 25 to 35+ secs |
add 30 to 45+ secs |
add 45 to 65+ secs |
Normal Cold -2C to -8C |
7 | Fastest FC78 |
add 15 to 25+ secs |
add 20 to 35+ secs |
add 25 to 40+ secs |
Cold -6C to -12C |
6 | Fastest FC78 |
add 5 to 15+ secs |
add 10 to 20+ secs |
add 15 to 25+ secs |
Very Cold -10C and Colder |
4 | Fastest FC7 |
add 0 to 10+ secs |
add 5 to 10+ secs |
add 10 to 15+ secs |
In graphic form:
Figure 1. Swix CERA F speed comparison
Glide Waxes: Minimizing Dry and Wet Friction
The purpose of glide wax is to reduce the friction between ski and snow. This friction approaches pure dry friction at extremely cold temperatures and approaches pure wet friction at extremely warm temperatures but is always at some intricate and every changing combination of both dry and wet friction. The ideal wax compound for each snow condition must feature a perfect mixture or dry friction snow crystal penetration resistance properties and wet friction lubrication and moisture management qualities. Only the Cera Nova system provides A Perfect Wax for Each Snow Condition.
Hardness: 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10: From Dry Friction to Wet Friction
The most important aspect in a glide wax is its specific mixture of compounds to decrease Dry and Wet friction. Swix classifies this through its wax hardness classification 3-10. Number 3 waxes are Swix’s hardest and are engineered to minimize dry friction by shearing from the base when they meet sharp penetrating snow crystals. Number 10 waxes are the softest and engineered to minimize wet friction with the greatest moisture management and round snow crystal lubrication properties. Between these two extremes Swix petrochemical engineers have carefully crafted the ideal mixtures of hardness and moisture management/lubrication management capabilities for each temperature and snow condition.
Categories: CH, LF, HF, Cera F: Increased lubrication and speed
Swix’s Cera Nova waxes provide 4 Categories (CH, LF, HF/HFBW, Cera F) of waxes at most hardness levels with enhanced speed capabilities through the addition of specific advanced ingredients including dry lubricants, fluorocarbon compounds and 100% Fluorocarbon Top Coats.
Fluorocarbon Enhanced Waxes: LF, HF
100% Fluorocarbon Top Coats