Nordic walking classes and Nordic walking pole demos will again be offered during the Annual Older American Expo in Suttons Bay, Michigan on Tuesday, June 15. The Expo will be held at the Suttons Bay High School from 10am – 2pm.
The Older Americans Expo will feature a variety of activities including Nordic walking, plus exhibits from businesses and organizations with products and services geared for seniors. Local agencies and Leelanau County Departments will also be on hand to answer your questions. Local artisans and crafts people will be displaying their talents as well.
The Nordic walking classes and pole demos will be provided by Glen Arbor's Pete Edwards – the owner, founder and coach of WWW.SKIWALKING.COM and the American Nordic Walking System. Edwards’ company is North America’s leading retailer and supplier of Nordic walking poles and the exclusive source for all sizes of one-piece SWIX and EXEL Nordic walking poles. Edwards is also the exclusive supplier for SWIX and EXEL Nordic walking tips/asphalt paws. Edwards ships his one-piece Nordic walking, sized specifically to each individual’s height, all over the world every day from his Glen Arbor, Michigan headquarters.
According to Edwards, every day his company receives happy customer emails, thank you cards and phone calls from appreciative individuals that are walking taller, faster and farther while using our Nordic walking poles. Here is an email from a happy Nordic Walking customer that reinforces the simple facts that walking and snowshoeing with poles makes walking and snowshoeing more effective, more comfortable and often eliminates shin, knee, hip and back pain:
Pete - I met you at the Senior Expo in Suttons Bay a few years back. I bought a set of your Nordic Ski Walking poles and they have been of immense help in dealing with my lumbar stenosis. A few years ago, I found that the only strenuous exercise that wouldn't cause shooting leg pains was snowshoeing. Obviously, the ski poles I use while snowshoeing had been taking enough weight off of my legs to eliminate the pain. Well, guess what? The same principle works with ordinary walking so long as I use your Nordic Ski Walking poles. The increase in exercise from Nordic Ski Walking poles has helped me with weight loss and has probably put off the need for spinal surgery for at least a few years. Thank you very much.
It is extremely rewarding to receive positive feedback from individuals who have found success Nordic walking when using the correct length poles that really do improve posture and help to minimize stress to the weight bearing joints. Walking with the perfect length poles and correct technique also helps to burn more calories because the arms are more actively engaged and help to work more muscle groups than regular walking.
Edwards and his walking pole company are dedicated to the simple fact that one-piece poles that are sized correctly are safer, lighter and much more durable than cheap/flimsy twist-lock and flip-lock 2-piece and 3-piece poles that tend to rattle, vibrate and/or collapse unexpectedly. Edwards warns that seniors and individuals with balance issues should avoid cheap/flimsy 2-piece and 3-piece walking poles. Edwards’ one-piece SWIX and EXEL Nordic walking poles have been consistently receiving 100% positive satisfaction ratings.
Nordic walking poles help to turbo charge any walking campaign. And now Nordic walking is no longer just for skiers deprived of snow during the summer. Nordic Walking Poles are helping individuals with balance issues, knee issues or new knees, hip issues or new hips, back issues (including those with rods in their back), weight issues, multiple sclerosis (MS), parkinson's (PD), neuropathy, arthritis, bursitis, scoliosis, lumbar stenosis, fibromyalgia, post polio, osteoporosis, stroke recovery, cancer recovery and other limitations to walking. Nordic Walking poles are helping thousands of Americans get off the couch, successfully get outside, start walking safely and effectively launch much needed walking campaigns.
The Older American’s Expo is being hosted by the Leelanau County Commission on Aging. Their phone number is: 231-256-8121
Nordic Walking Contact Information: Pete Edwards - Owner/Founder/Coach - American Nordic Walking System and WWW.SKIWALKING.COM
Toll Free: 877-SKIWALKING or 877-754-9255
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