Sunday we have a great number of teams with 21 female (from 15 nations)- and 25 male teams (from 18 nations). Norway will have in the men's race 4 teams which was possible due to a jury decision. Already not at the start today and as well for sure not tomorrow are Anders Soedergren (SWE, not totally ready after stomach problems) and Benoit Chauvet.
"It is the same course then in the individual start. We expect partly heavy snowfall tomorrow but as we have a kind of mass start race the teams have equal conditions. First preparation will be done tonight, and tomorrow after the heavy snowfall which is expected between 5 am and 7 am we regroom again." commented Jürg Capol.
The Swedish Team used the first time in the World Cup their plane "Ski Force Nr.1". The athletes will already fly tomorrow at 17.45 from Fagernes back home to Oestersund.
Ladies start list here. Click here for men's start list.
Contributed by: Sandra Spitz