Got my first issue of The Master Skier in the mail this weekend. You get yours? No? You belong to American Cross Country Skiers? No? Maybe you'd better sign up so you don't have to wait to pick one up at a ski shop or borrow it from a friend... Me? You're in luck: If you're around rollerskiing this coming Saturday, I have about a dozen extra copies that I can give out. Can't wait? Too bad. And here's what you're missing:
- The most common pitfalls (Dave Cieslowski)
- Don't be a slave to your plan (Chandra Crwaford)
- Goal Setting: Step by Step (Bryan Fish)
- Just between us girls: The good, the bad & the ugly (Joanne Hanowski)
- Train specifically for you (Ian Harvey)
- It's all about your balance (Glenn Bond)
- Finding your magic number (Lee Browoski)
- Make sure you rollerski (Dave Cieslowski)
- The standardized text for X-C (Mike Muha -that would be me!)
- My life as a masters groupie (Jane Hovland)
- Enjoy the sport at the ultimate level (Pete Vordenberg)
- The true history of skating (Jack Sasseville)
- Ice baths for tired muscles (Kate Underwood)
- Climb with balance & power (Cindy Swift)
- Time for creative rollerskiing (Mike Muha - me again!)
- Gender difference in heart rate training? (Dan Heil)
- Life stages for master athletes (J.D. Downing)
- You get what you pay for (Pete Vordenberg)
- Learn to embrace suffering (Tim Donahue)
- The year of the worlds arrives! (AXCS)
- Honored master (Soldier Hollow Ski Resort)
- Be sure to rollerski safely (Dave Cieslowski)
- Swim training for skiers (Jeff Schloss)
- Athletes need a healthy diet (Steve Born)
- Ways to improve you focus (Josh Smullin)
- Tire-dragging develops strength (Sheila Kealey)
- Fairbanks skier encounters wolf pack (Alan Kendall)
- Get faster in five simple steps (Joe Bouscaren)
I've only read a few articles so far in this issue, but a couple standout. First, I always have trouble understanding anything Lee Borowskis writes - until this issue of The Master Skier. He has some practical advice for doing intervals in "Finding your magic number". I also found "The true history of skating" was very entertaining. Hope you've received your issue. If not, hope you find one soon.