Here are the latest changes for Saturday’s Stampede. All starts have been moved approximately 1k from the Mancelona High School. All pre-race activity including breakfast, last minute registration and pre-race meetings will still take place at the high school. We encourage skiers to plan on skiing the 1k distance to the starting field as a warm up(it is skiable). Shuttle transportation for skiers and spectators will be provided also.
Therefore, our 10k and 20k events are now 9k and 19k respectively. 50k skiers, your distance will be maintained at 40k. You will ski a loop within the point-to-point course in order to attain the distance.
Chief of Course Bill Fleet reports that 98% of the course is in VERY GOOD shape. The remaining is thin to rough. Overnight temperatures will continue sub-freezing. Saturday’s daytime temperatures will rise to 40 degrees.