The Reno-Tahoe Winter Games Coalition has been working since 2002 to bring the 2018 Olympics to the Reno-Tahoe area. Residents have mixed views about hosting a Winter Olympics, many fearing this would cause additional pressures for development and sprawl in the area, and consequent environmental damage. On the positive side, governmental entities, such as Placer County, support the drive to host the Olympics, as they see potential for economic growth, and improved infrastructure.
We'll be debating, probably for some time, whether hosting an Olympic Games in a little over 10 years would be a benefit, a burden, or both for our Sierra. It could indeed prove a benefit if it causes local decision makers to step back, and consider how such a valuable resource as Royal Gorge Cross Country Ski Resort could be squandered today on unwise condominium development, when its highest and best use is as recreational terrain.