Registration for the 2025 Frosty Freestyle and Krazy Klassic is now open. Join us January 11th and 12th at Huron Meadows Metropark, in Brighton, MI, part of the Michigan Cup race series.
Click here to register. Huron Meadows is already making snow, and will begin spreading it once there is sustained cold weather. Register now before the price increases December 31st!
The first 150 registrations will receive a pair of these very cool FrostyFest! sunglasses.
This year will feature new age group awards for the top three finishers in each age group.
Frosty Freestyle age group top three finishers will receive one of these cool stocking caps:
Top three age group finishers for the Krazy Klassic get a one-of-a-kind baseball cap!
Frosty Freestyle & Krazy Klassic Cross Country Ski Race 2025, a Team NordicSkiRacer production!