Due to the pandemic and economic factors, the 2020 Yellowstone Ski Festival will become the 2020 Yellowstone Fall Training Camp.
Organizers say they will focus their efforts on providing “First Tracks” for Nordic skiers in November including groomed skiing, ski clinics, Biathlon and a FIS race (weather permitting) for all to enjoy. This takes the Festival back to it's roots. If you never been, the technique coach is great, with the ability to get training from a different coach each day.
The Yellowstone Ski Festival has historically hosted a variety of off-snow activities such as the indoor expo, seminars, waxing clinics, speakers, etc. Not this year. Organized indoor social gatherings are out. This doesn't mean vendors might organize their own gathering, either indoors or outside, only that the Yellowstone Ski Festival will not be organizing them
Look to their website (www.skirunbikemt.com), Facebook page (@RendezvousSkiTrails) or Instagram (YellowstoneSkiFest) for continued updates. you can also email [email protected] with questions or call Freeheel & Wheel at 406-646-7744.
Oh, and while you're out on the Rendezvous Ski Trails this coming season, you can take advantage of the new "In & Out, Purple Haze, Kids' Loop" new the the trailhead, and "Sheppard's Shortcut" between Doug's Doodle and Deja View Looop: