The Michigan Cup Committee voted today to change the way the North American Vasa is scored as part of the Michigan Cup. Over the past several years, the 50k marathon distance was scored for maximum points (i.e., first place earns 200 points) while skiers in the shorter 27k event received fewer points, with first place earning 170 points. Starting in 2020, the scoring will be swapped: the 27k event will receive maximum points while racers in the 50k race will get partial points.
The Vasa Ski Club proposed the change based on a survey of racer by the Vasa Race Board. Racer were asked how to improve the race. Racers asked for this change.
Ken Dawson, Vasa Ski Club member and Michigan Cup Points Keeper noted, "I looked at the results from doing the Michigan Cup scoring. Most of the skiers do the 27k race. There was very few - only 70 some skiers in the 50k and very few women (something like 4-5). The shorter race distance in the Noquemanon, White Pine, and Vasa all draw more skiers and more women, but we give more points to the longer distance in each race."
"The number of skiers in the White Pine and Vasa 50k races have been dropping considerably," adds Michigan Cup Chair, Ernie Brumbaugh. "This is due to the stress of the longer race but also to the age of the typical Michigan Cup skier."
The VASA was preparing their marketing materials for next year and needed know if a change in scoring could be incorporated into the program. The Michigan Cup Committee voted unanimously to accept the proposal.
Starting with the 2020 season, both the Saturday's 27k Freestyle and Sunday's 16k Classic VASA races will be scored for maximum Michigan Cup points. The long races - the 50k skate and the 35k classic - will be awarded fewer points.
The Michigan Cup will continue to score the long Noquemanon Ski Marathon classic and White Pine Stampede freestyle distances with full points, with partial points for the shorter distances.