The Boyne Grinder race went off well with surprisingly good trail conditions due to good grooming decisions by the Boyne Mountain staff! Says David Austin, "We tilled up the race course early morning pulling some cold snow into the surface snow. Great conditions!"
Jordyn Ross and Reed Goble were the Boyne Grinder champions. Jordyan finished first in 31:58, just ahead of Kelly Peregrine (32:05) and Mary Lyon (32:06). Goble and Jacob Dean lead the entire race, with Goble taking first in 27:53, Dean dropping back to 28:25, and Glenn Goodman getting third in 29:57.
John Kostrzewa caught the start of the Boyne Grinder on video" "Steady uphill start. Reid Goble and Jacob Dean lead the way and that was how they finished. The course held up well and the snow was surprisingly fast on the fun rolling hills course."
The course had 509 feet of vertical climb according to Glenn Goodman's Garmin. Me? I think it was more! Much of the climbing was at the beginning of the race. Go past the red line on that climb and you were toast!
Gender Place | Name | Time |
1 | Jordyn Ross | 31:58:00 |
2 | Kelly Peregrine | 32:05:00 |
3 | Mary Lyon | 32:06:00 |
4 | Ellen Wiitala | 33:23:00 |
5 | Abby Potts | 36:27:00 |
6 | Kelly Klettner | 36:54:00 |
7 | Brenda Carlston-Brown | 37:25:00 |
8 | Erica Dombro | 38:04:00 |
9 | Dana Pfughoeft | 38:31:00 |
10 | Katie Erhardt | 39:20:00 |
11 | Gussie Peterson | 40:10:00 |
12 | Jean Abigail | 40:18:00 |
13 | Jean Arielle | 42:43:00 |
14 | Aili Simpson | 45:24:00 |
15 | Christine Seagar | 47:53:00 |
16 | Ellie Callison | 49:02:00 |
17 | Melinda Mitchell | 54:37:00 |
18 | Leigh Whetstone | 1:09:29 |
19 | Christine Dolikian | 1:10:46 |
Gender Place | Name | Time |
1 | Reed Goble | 27:53:00 |
2 | Jacob Dean | 28:25:00 |
3 | Glen Goodman | 29:57:00 |
4 | Isaac Coulter | 30:05:00 |
5 | Melzar Coulter | 30:20:00 |
6 | Michael Klettner | 31:30:00 |
7 | Cliff Onthank | 31:52:00 |
8 | Tay Tantivirun | 34:04:00 |
9 | Sandy Monch | 34:13:00 |
10 | Larry Kanaby | 34:15:00 |
11 | Robin Luce | 34:30:00 |
12 | Doug Watts | 35:17:00 |
13 | Nathan Tapelsky | 35:36:00 |
14 | James Holderman | 36:09:00 |
15 | Steve Steffke | 36:10:00 |
16 | Steve Seagar | 36:23:00 |
17 | Mathew Villalta | 37:18:00 |
18 | Luke Rasper | 37:30:00 |
19 | Anthony Grenough | 38:51:00 |
20 | John Cooney | 39:43:00 |
21 | Mike Temkin | 40:01:00 |
22 | Eric Jean | 40:43:00 |
23 | Rick Neer | 41:49:00 |
24 | Gavin Dryer | 42:59:00 |
25 | Cris Jones | 43:44:00 |
26 | Spencer Tallman | 43:55:00 |
27 | Ben Jepsen | 45:23:00 |
28 | Ben Mason | 46:36:00 |
29 | Hap Wright | 48:13:00 |
30 | Frank Nizio | 49:13:00 |
31 | Dominic Greenough | 51:16:00 |
32 | Steven Doll | 54:22:00 |
33 | Ellis Boal | 57:28:00 |
34 | Samual Cusinano | 1:00:51 |
Female 12-17 |
Place | Name | Time |
1 | Kelly Peregrine | 32:05:00 |
2 | Mary Lyon | 32:06:00 |
3 | Kelly Klettner | 36:54:00 |
4 | Dana Pfughoeft | 38:31:00 |
5 | Katy Erhardt | 39:20:00 |
6 | Jean Abigail | 40:18:00 |
7 | Jean Arielle | 42:43:00 |
8 | Aili Simpson | 45:24:00 |
Female 18-25 |
Place | Name | Time |
1 | Jordyn Ross | 31:58:00 |
2 | Ellen Wiitala | 33:23:00 |
3 | Abby Potts | 36:27:00 |
4 | Erica Dombro | 38:04:00 |
5 | Ellie Callison | 49:02:00 |
6 | Christine Dolikian | 1:10:46 |
Female 42-57 |
Place | Name | Time |
1 | Brenda Carlston-Brown | 37:25:00 |
2 | Christine Seagar | 47:53:00 |
3 | Melinda Mitchell | 54:37:00 |
4 | Leigh Whetstone | 1:09:29 |
Female 58+ |
Place | Name | Time |
1 | Gussie Peterson | 40:10:00 |
Male 13-17 |
Place | Name | Time |
1 | Reed Goble | 27:53:00 |
2 | Jacob Dean | 28:25:00 |
3 | Isaac Coulter | 30:05:00 |
4 | Nathan Tapelsky | 35:36:00 |
5 | Luke Rasper | 37:30:00 |
6 | Anthony Greenough | 38:51:00 |
7 | John Cooney | 39:43:00 |
8 | Gavin Dryer | 42:59:00 |
9 | Spencer Tallman | 43:55:00 |
10 | Ben Mason | 46:36:00 |
11 | Dominic Greenough | 51:16:00 |
Male 18-25 |
Place | Name | Time |
1 | Michael Klettner | 31:30:00 |
2 | Tay Tantavirun | 34:04:00 |
3 | Sandy Monch | 34:13:00 |
4 | Doug Watts | 35:17:00 |
5 | James Hulderman | 36:09:00 |
6 | Mathew Villalta | 37:18:00 |
7 | Ben Jepsen | 45:23:00 |
8 | Steve Doll | 54:22:00 |
9 | Samual Cusinano | 1:00:51 |
Male 26-36 |
Place | Name | Time |
1 | Melzar Coulter | 30:20:00 |
Male 46-58 |
Place | Name | Time |
1 | Glen Goodman | 29:57:00 |
2 | Larry Kanaby | 34:15:00 |
3 | Steve Steffke | 36:10:00 |
4 | Steve Seagar | 36:23:00 |
5 | Mike Temkin | 40:01:00 |
6 | Eric Jean | 40:43:00 |
7 | Rick Neer | 41:49:00 |
Male 62-71 |
Place | Name | Time |
1 | Cliff Onthank | 31:52:00 |
2 | Robin Luce | 34:30:00 |
3 | Cris Jones | 43:44:00 |
4 | Hap Wright | 48:13:00 |
5 | Frank Nizio | 49:13:00 |
6 | Ellis Boal | 57:28:00 |