Many people have been expressing their concern regarding user issues on the Vasa trail. There have been several references that complaints should be forwarded to TART at their website, or using the paper forms available at the trail head.
However, if you voice your concern to TART, you are complaining to the wrong people. TART has indicated publicly that they do no set use policy for the Vasa trail. I have confirmed this with requests for information from TART directly.
The entity which does govern trail use is the DNR. TART representatives have told me that concerns regarding Vasa trail use may be directed to:
Todd Neiss, Recreation Specialist
Parks and Recreation Division
Michigan Department of Natural Resources
8015 Mackinaw Trail
Cadillac, MI 49601
[email protected]
I would suggest that any communication to the DNR be cc’d to TART as well ([email protected]). TART has not yet taken a position on whether bicycling on the Vasa during grooming season should be an acceptable use. Therefore, feedback to them from user groups should be helpful as well. Communication on this issue should be fact based, unemotional, and polite.