Worried about the warming trend this week? The Frosty Freestyle and Krazy Klassic race courses have 11" of snow that's been packed hard, and groomer Adam is planning on leaving it as hard as possible (i.e., minimize grooming that would loosen the snow and make it melt faster).
The dedicated man-made snow trail not only has 11 inches of natural snow but another 4-8" of dense man-made snow under it. Adam has also been making a huge snow pile over the past couple weeks to fill in any low spots.
We continue to make snow!
Last year, we had 1" of natural snow and still held the race because of the snow we made, so we are way ahead in the snow department this year!
Depending on conditions, the race courses could change to take advantage of the best snow.
Our SELCRA Kids Learn to Ski class will be held on snow as scheduled tomorrow night.
Trail reports will be posted at http://www.nordicskiracer.com/cgi-bin/Trails/TrailReportView.asp
Also check out pictures on our Facebook page! Registration and race information at http://www.nordicskiracer.com/frosty.
Frosty the Snowman says, "Get our here and race!"