HERE WE GO! Despite the atrocious conditions currently on our course,
more snow is in the forecast and The White Pine Stampede Committee has
decided to trust our past record and not break the string of 30
consecutive years. SO, the Stampede is ON with following changes:
year we will run a single event for all Stampeders; one mass start for
a single course. The new start time, for all skiers, is 10:00 am,
Saturday, February 3rd. Mancelona High School. The distance will be
aproximately 10-12km depending on snow conditions. More snow is still
needed. There will be no age classes and there will be no kick and
glide track provided. Winners will be acknowledged for men and women,
in both freestyle and classic; no other categories.
ENTRY FEE: Starting
today the single entry fee is $35.00. Those who have pre-registered at
a higher fee will be given the choice of adding the difference to your
contribution to Children's Hospital of Michigan or, taking the
difference as a discount on next year's registration. All
pre-registered will receive a letter outling your options.
understand, despite the heroic efforts of our Chief of Course, Bill
Fleet, this will be a rough track. Be advised by Director McKaig "Bring
you rock skis or anything worse. This is going to be a trash run". As
always we will provide you with the best surface possible under the
conditions. Check this site for further updates daily.
The Stampede is
ON. Register Now. The registration form on this site is still useable.
Just check the 10k box, or use the telephone: call 231 587 8812. GIVE
US A NAME: what do we call this concocted event, The El Nino 10k ?
Submit your suggestions via e-mail.