Team NordiSkiRacers Tony Percha and Mike Muha invite you to rollerski or ski walk/bound with us! This is generally the schedule:
Tuesdays 7:30am: Ski walking / bounding / specific foot. This is a combination of strength training and aerobic exercise.
Thursdays 7:30am: Rollerski intervals of different intensities and distances. Example workouts:
Saturdays 8:00am: Long slow distance rollerski session. Heart rate between 60-70% of max (i.e., an easy talking pace). 90 minutes minimum for us, but you can go shorter.
Sundays 7:30am or 8:00am: Usually some sort of rollerski intervals.
Most session start in Kensington Metropark (links are to Google Maps):
IMPORTANT! We sometimes rollerski at Maybury State Park or even Indian Springs Metropark, we sometimes change the workout, and we may change the day or time for a specific workout because of weather, travel, or work schedules! Send me (Mike Muha) a text message - 248 535 9351 - the day before so you can be sure you have the current plan!