We've made some final changes to the Michaywe' events and many people were asking about it at the Forbush race. Over two day, skiers will do four events that are not duplicated at other races, things like a pursuit and a skills course.
Racers must do ALL events to receive Michigan Cup points.
9:00 - Mandatory race meeting to ALL participants (Clubhouse / Registration area)
10:00-11:30 - Skills course sprint (Best of 2) Freestyle
2:00 - Begin Speed Heats Freestyle
9:00 - Mandatory race meeting to ALL participants (Clubhouse / Registration area)
10:00 - Pursuit: 3K Classic + 8K Freestyle
2:00 - Uphill 6.5K Classic (Year-end Finale!), Double pursuit format
4:30 - Awards and Party
8:00-9:50 - Course Open
9:00 - Mandatory race meeting to ALL participants (Clubhouse / Registration area)
10:00-11:30 - Race 2 times, best time (of 2) taken for speed heats.
8:00-1:45 - Course Open
2:00 - Begin heats 2:00 between wave starts
7:30 - 9:45 - Open Course
9:00 - Mandatory race meeting to ALL participants (Clubhouse / Registration area)
10:00 - Race begins. 3K Classic, Transition to 8K Skate.
11:00-1:45 Course Open
2:00 - Race begins. 6.5k two laps of uphill classic loop.