Milford Township voters will decide during the October 2 election if they will pay for a paved recreational (rollerski!) trail linking Kensington Metropark and the city of Milford. The trail will be between 2.1 and 2.9 miles long depending on how it meanders along the Huron River.
The cost of the project is about $2.9 million. The 20-year millage proposal will generate $1.6 million, with the remainder of the cost paid out of grants from the Community Foundation, The Michigan Natural Resource Trust, and the Michigan Department of Transportation.
The cost of the trail system for a $200K home in Milford Township is estimated to be $10 per year.
A map (546 KB PDF file) of the proposed trail system shows Kensington Metropark to the right and Milford on the right. The Yellow line represents a new paved trail following along side the park road leading to the Milford Road entrance. The Red line shows the trail linking Kensington to Milford, roughly paralleling Davison, Martindale and GM roads into Milford, with a split to the Milford Dam. The green line is a proposed Hubble Pond Park recreational trail that extends the pavementl to Commerce Road.
The 10 foot wide asphalt trail would have 6 feet of green space on each side. This new trail would link Milford residents, via the Kensington trail system with trails in Island Lake Recreation Area, and the Wixom/South Lyon Trail System.
Team Race Director Dan Motowski is quite excited: “The end of the ‘green’ trail in Milford is right across the street from our house!”