Team NordicSkiRacer is an informal group of skiers who like the camaraderie around racing. Our members have ranged from people who are just learning to ski up to an Olympian...and everything in between. Members are mainly from southeastern Michigan, but we have had members from all over Michigan and Ohio.
We are year around active people who rollerski, bike, run, paddle, inline skate, swim, circuit train, hike - you get the idea! We may do these activities on our own or as small groups. We help each other become better skiers.
We use Borah Teamwear for Team NordicSkiRacer ski suits. Our contact there is
Mark KonradAnnual dues: Individual ($10) or Family ($16)
Annual membership form: PDF, Word or Register Online.
$6 of the dues pays for each member's Michigan Cup Race Series registration fee.
More information: [email protected] or Mike Muha 248-535-9351.
The end of season ski party at Huron Meadows will be Saturday, March 22 at the Huron Meadows clubhouse. Doors will open at 11:30 AM and we will aim to eat at around noon.
Martin Sunby - now a commenter for a Norwegian sports channel - tells me to come back after my race for an interview!
The Cross County Ski Headquarters won the day with 4,961 Michigan Cup points. Second was the Vasa Ski Club with 3,590.8 points, followed by Team NordicSkiRacer with 1,704.1 points.
With a few races on my repaired knee, the longest being the 20km White Pine Stampede, it looked good to handle the originally planned Jizerska 50 classic Worldloppet race near Liberec, Czechia (the Czech Republic).
Hanson Hills/Cross Country Ski Shop has won the day, returning the Brumbaugh Cup to Grayling after a two-year absence.
The Cross Country Ski Headquarters leads the overall Michigan Cup team competition going into the Michigan Cup Relays. Can Grand Rapids Nordic make up the point deficit?
Nothing in the calendar for the next thrity days.