The latest news, results, standings, and gossip
Jess Smith and Megan Madion, overall winners.,
Andy Triebold and Wendy Anderson, overall winners.,
Just hot off the press and what everyone has been waiting for, the current Michigan Cup Results. It includes all the races through Garland.,
The decision has just been made: We WILL run the 2006 Stampede. Conditions will be marginal but we will be offering 10km, 20km, and 35km distance events.,
A few pictures from the start and finish of the Noquemanon Classic Half Marathon.,
Plans are being made now for a shortened White Pine Stampede event, which may include a single distance and a single start. Conditions will NOT be good; your 'rock' skis will be the order of the day.,
Photos from the 2006 Garland Grip 17.4K Freestyle race on Sunday, January 22, 2006.,
Come join us at this year’s USSA Junior Olympic venue! This will be an exciting event this year as it is being held in conjunction with the CCSA College Regional. Ski at a fantastic facility and see the some of the best young skiers in the country.,
Forecasts loook good and our skier registrations are running ahead of most previous years. A marvelous 30 year anniversary celebration is instore.,
Photos from the 2006 Garland Grip 10K Classic race on Saturday, January 21, 2006.,
Here's a couple really nice photos from the start of Saturday's Garland Grip Classic Race from Doug Endicott.,
With no real downhills there were no places to catch a quick rest. It was an unrelenting ski - if you went too hard, you had to slow down on the flat rather than take advantage of the next downhill to rest.,